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General Rec FAQs

Where are you located?

  • 1851 Lexington Avenue San Mateo off of Highway 280/Bunker Hill Drive.

What are your office hours?

  • M-F 9am-12pm & 1-5pm. The office closes from 12-1pm for lunch.
  • Our offices are closed on major holidays.
  • The Pool is open on most holidays, but please always check our aquatics page for special holiday hours.

What is your Tax ID number?

  • 30-0783448

Are you part of San Mateo Parks and Rec?

  • No. We are a Special District in unincorporated San Mateo County. Highlands Residents pay property tax to support HRD.

How do I become a member of the Highlands Rec Center?

  • Both Residents and Non-Residents can purchase a swim punch card from the pool.
  • Our Fitness Center is accesible to Residents and Highlands Seniors. Resident cost is $2 per visit, Seniors are free. Please enter the Fitness Center through the pool area. 

Do I have to be a member to use the Rec Center?

  • No, however some activities are open only to Residents (e.g., tennis court keys, fitness center, etc)

What determines if you are a Highlands Resident?

  • Your street address determines whether you pay a portion of your property tax to support the District. The Rec District is smaller than the Highlands School District.

How big is the Highlands Rec District?

  • Population: approximately 2500 residents, 800 homes. The Rec Center sits on a 3.5- acre site. The Rec also manages 42 acres of open space in the District.

What is CSA 1?

  • County Service Area 1 – This encompasses unincorporated San Mateo County, including the Highlands.

What is the HCA?

  • Highlands Community Association. This is the homeowners’ association for the Highlands neighborhood. The HCA and HRD often work together, but they are separate organizations with separate Boards of Directors, funds, budgets, bylaws and objectives.

Do you provide childcare for classes held at the Rec Center?

  • There is no childcare available during adult classes. 

 What is the Health Policy of HRD?

  • Please see the link below to view our Board approved Health Policy
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