Brown Act Compliance Policy Per HRD Bylaws
Any Board Member may request an item be placed on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. The agenda shall be prepared by the General Manager in consultation with the President. As required by the Brown Act, only items listed on the agenda may be discussed at meetings. The agenda shall be physically posted at the direction of the General Manager at the Highlands Recreation Center in a prominent place easily accessible to the public and posted to the District website.
- Regular Meetings The regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of each month in a meeting room of the Highlands Recreation Center. The agenda for regular meetings shall be posted and circulated to all members of the Board at least seventy-two (72 hours) before each regular Board meeting, consistent with the Brown Act.
- Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the President of the Board or by a majority of Directors in the event of matters of importance, which cannot be delayed until the next regular meeting. Notice of such a special meeting must be provided to all Directors and the public at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting, consistent with the Brown Act.
- Emergency Meetings Emergency meetings may be called consistent with the Brown Act.
- Closed sessions Closed sessions are limited to specific matters authorized by the Brown Act (e.g., to provide direction to a real estate negotiator, to discuss pending litigation with a legal advisor to the Board; insurance liability claims; personnel matters; and threats to public services or facilities). Any closed sessions of the Board must be briefly described in an agenda for the meeting per the requirements of the Brown Act. Prior to adjourning into closed session, a Director (usually the President of the Board) must orally announce the items to be discussed in the closed session and allow public comment. Once the closed session has been completed, the Board must reconvene in open session to make any reports as required by the Brown Act.
- Committees. The Board may establish standing committees and temporary ad-hoc committees, appointing members as it deems appropriate. Each committee shall consist of two Directors. Meetings of standing committees shall be noticed and open to the public as required by the Brown Act. Temporary ad-hoc committees shall have a limited purpose and a defined time frame to accomplish that purpose, such that meetings need not be noticed and open to the public under the Brown Act. Each committee is authorized to meet with staff members, and/or contractors, etc. to review pertinent matters within the scope of its jurisdiction. Each committee shall report on its meetings at Board meetings, making recommendations if it so desires. No final actions may be taken by committees, which shall be only advisory in nature, i.e., committees cannot be delegated any decision-making power and return to the full Board with recommendations as appropriate.